Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long time gone

Alright, I've been absent for a while, what with moving and all. Regardless, we have moved to DC, have a house we are moving into on the first, finally, and getting used to this world. Its strange to be right on the border of liberal (dc) and conservative (va), but nothing bad has happened thus far.

Really, I want to talk about my job right now. How lucky I am to have such a supportive network of coworkers. Jo and John never batted an eye when I explained the whole gender issue. When we had this conversation, I stated that I didn't want there to be any repercussions if they were put into an awkward position due to questions of gender. Until I start hormone therapy, I still kinda sound like a girl at times and have no facial hair ,so of course there might be some questions. But they have said over and over, you are who you are and we are fine with that. I am finally starting to believe them. When I got my promotion last week and Jo (yes, I work for the little women) cc'd me on the letter to corporate, she referred to me as "he", and while not a big deal, it really cemented the accepted they initially expressed. It is a great feeling.

I have found the center that I will be starting my "physical" transition with, the Whitman-Walker Clinic in DC. I have talked to several people who have said nothing but good things about it, and the research I have done supports those opinions.

I have also found that I have increased self confidence as a result of the support from friends, loved ones and coworkers. I've never been an outgoing person, but I am finally coming out of my shell...and it feels great. Thank you.


  1. Oh sure! Wait till you're a bajillion miles away to start coming out of your shell!

    Wait. You had a shell? We've always been up to such obnoxious mischief that I must have missed it...

    Seriously though, the news about work is freakin' awesome, and with a promotion to boot!

    Go you!!!

  2. Lol if I were to start a band I think I would name it "Obnoxious Mischief"
